Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Okay, so my friend Misty had the best idea on her blog...she put cute things her little girl says (she is 2 also). I just had to add this on because Olivia cracks me up all the time with the things she says!

We are in the car driving and Gabi starts crying and she says, "Its okay Gabi, we're almost there." You guess she hears that a lot?!

She loves to sing while we are driving and if Gabi is asleep, she asks," Its okay for me to sing Mommy Daddy song soft while Gabi sleeping?" Its funny because she totally raises her voice to make it a question!

K.C. was watching football the other day and she asked him her famous question, "What doin' Daddio?" He told her he was watching football and asked her what her favorite sport is...her response, "Basketball Daddy, come on!"

Olivia loves to run, so she says to K.C., "Come get me Daddy, I dare you!"

Every time we meet someone she says, "This is my Mommy."

Everything is highly dramatic and very expressive...hmmm...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree:)


mistyb said...

hilarious, I just love how their little minds work!

Emily said...

YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB ON YOUR BLOG! I hope your kids are feeling better! I cant wait for Ryan to talk! Maybe he needs to hang out with olivia mor often! We are off to the south in a few hours! But I put a pair of shoes for gabby in the mail! Let me know when you get them!