Monday, September 22, 2008

Date Night & Presents!

Olivia got so many great presents. Thank you all so much for your gifts! My Mom and Sister found this Dorothy dress and shoes and she literally wears it every single day! K.C.'s parents and his brother, Camron took Olivia on a date to Chili's and then let her pick out a new outfit at Gymboree. She had to wear this outfit which I thought was adorable. She got lots of dress ups since it is her favorite thing to do. Happy Birthday my sweet little angel!


Breklyn said...

Darling Dorothy and great for Halloween! Grey's party when you get back - woo hoo!

mistyb said...

so so so cute! Love the shoes! We got some red sparkly ones for dylen for her birthday she loves sparkly shoes!!

Anonymous said...

I would have given her a dildo and showed her how it works. Help her break it in