Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Olivia is IT!!

So our little Olivia got tagged by her friend Dylen, so here are 10 favorite things about our little angel.

1. She LOVES to have you tell her stories. She will lay on her stomach or sit down with both hands on her chin just anxious to listen. AND, if you get the story wrong, she will correct you...she knows them all inside and out. Her lastest favorite is Goldilocks and the 3 bears:)

2. All of a sudden, she has become obsessed with dressing up. My mom and sister gave her some dress up outfits with the shoes, tights, jewelry and all and she keeps it all in one of her drawers. AT LEAST 3-4 times a day, she asks me if she can put on her "BEAUTY-FUL" dress or her "BEAUTY-FUL" tank top, skirt and cape. I mean, this child begs me to let her put this stuff over her PJs. Then after she is all decked out she models it and tells me she looks "BEAUTY-FUL." Yes, I hear this word at least 10 times a day! SO CUTE!

3. She loves to ask the question, "WHY??" I mean, I can give some pretty good explanations of things and K.C., well, he can explain things so much that no one could ask "WHY," but Olivia finds a way to want to know more. She wants to understand it all. You know you're a success when she finally says, "Oh, Okay. Thanks, Mom."

4. Have you ever seen the movie "The Negotiator?" Well, honey, if they knew Olivia, they would have asked her to play the leading role. I have never seen someone who can negotiate for what they want as well as she can. I mean, by the end of our conversation, I am EXHAUSTED! SHE HAS WORN ME DOWN!! Not an easy task!

5. She loves playing "hoops" with her Daddio at the gym. Every time we go together, she has to play basketball with K.C. before we can leave. It is so sweet!

6. Olivia is such a sweet big sister. Every time Gabi wakes up, she runs up to me and says, "Mom, Gabi girl is awake, lets go get her!" Then she runs up to her bed, climbs up the side of the crib and starts talking in her little sweet baby voice, "Hey little Gabi girl, are you a happy girl? Are you awake? Did you sleep good sweet girl?" Gabi just lights up...she loves her Big Sister! Olivia always says, "Mom, Gabi girl just loves me. I always make her laugh." She sure does!

7. One of my favorite things that Olivia does is anytime we are all doing something together as a family whether it is cleaning, in the car driving somewhere, eating, at the park...anywhere, she says, "All the family is together. We love eachother." I'm glad she knows that!

8. I love to hear Olivia's sweet little prayers. Every night and morning she kneels down beside me and says the sweetest little prayers thanking Heavenly Father for all her family and blessing her dad, sister and grandparents. I hope she does that forever!

9. Olivia loves to help me clean and I appreciate it! She will go get a dusting wipe or a clorox cleaning wipe and clean away while I'm doing the same thing. I mean, it is really helpful! I hope this habit will transfer into her teenage years as well!!

10. One of Olivia's favorite things to do is to go on dates with her Dad or with the whole family. Ever since K.C. took her on a date night, she thinks every time we go to Chili's, we're on a date. It is so sweet.

We love this little girl so much! Even though she is a spit fire, I wouldn't have it any other way. She adds lots of spice and sweetness to our lives!!

Addy, Christian, Ryder, Ryan, JB...you're IT!!


Emily said...


I must be emotional or something because that was the sweetest tribute to cute Olivia,It made me tear up! Those are some of the sweetest moments! Kids are the best, thanks for sharing!

Nicole said...

So cute. You can tell what a good Mom you just by the things that Olivia does. That has to make you feel good!

mistyb said...

so cute I love learning more about her! thanks for playing! It really makes me wish we lived closer I bet the girls would have tons of fun together. we are going to be out there for the 4th of july if you guys are around we'll have to get together!

Breklyn said...

I love the model pose and you know exactly where she gets her "spit fire" and spice from! I love her little attitude! Thanks for the fun playdate, Christian wanted to jump off our couches all night.

Sticks and Stones said...

I must add she is SO outgoing and friendly. I love how she knocks on our door (and has since she was just over 1 yr.). She is always ready and willing to play with Ryder... & Bosco - and eat snacks from my pantry of course. ;)
ditto- I love that little girl!

Leo and Jill said...

Your girls are adorable. I can't believe hor much Oliva has grown.