Sunday, April 5, 2009

80 and Sunny!!

Okay, okay...who doesn't love 80 degrees and sunny in April? We had fun today taking a long walk in between conference sessions and then laying out and jumping on the tramp with the sprinklers on!

The girls had a blast! I think I may have gotten some sun on this pasty white skin!

Our new name for Olivia is "The Gabi Whisperer." Honestly, she can get Gabi to do anything she wants. For example, Gabi refuses to get dressed....Olivia pulls her aside and has a little talk with thing you know, she is asking to get dressed. HILARIOUS! need Gabi to eat her veggies??? Just call in the reinforcements..."OLIVIA....."

...Now if we could only find and "Olivia Whisperer" we'd be all set!